Best new vegas mods for hardcore
Best new vegas mods for hardcore

best new vegas mods for hardcore

You can usually only see about 3 dialog choices at once, and like 6 or 7 items at a time in your inventory. Your choice of any addon that redoes the UI to include a smaller font.


Implant GRX Activator Hotkey - Same reason. Grenade Hotkey - Because damnit, Bethesda, this should not have had to be a mod. Weapon Retexture Project - WRP - Replaces the crappy textures of most of the weapons with much nicer ones.I'm not a huge proponent of texture replacers in general sometimes, but for weapons I'm all for it, since you spend a lot of time looking at them close up.ĮVE - Essential Visual Enhancements - Sort of does for Energy Weapons what the last two do for conventional ones. Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX - Just makes the weapon expansion system (particularly without having the Gun Runner's DLC) feel a lot more interesting. Can occasionally make the game a wee bit harder when it adds more bandits/powder gangers/etc to certain areas, but makes a lot of places feel much more alive.

best new vegas mods for hardcore

RePOPULATED WASTELAND - Just adds more people in general. And as a warning, I'm one of the weird holdouts that does NOT use Project Nevada I believe a couple of the mods I'm going to suggest are partially or completely duplicated within PN, I just don't know for sure. I'm 98% certain I got all of these at Nexus. Since I have the DLC, I don't generally bother checking to see if there is a non-DLC-friendly version. Lemme browse through my list and figure out a few choice ones, although fair warning. While I definitely nth the "get he DLC, particularly OWB and Honest Hearts" comments, lets see what I can do to answer your question.

Best new vegas mods for hardcore